Help us grow the BGBJ
BGBJ is reliant on donations from our visitors and supporters from around the world.
The Kingdom of BGBJ has been demolished in December 2022. It was a very distressing and a sad experience to watch this Kingdom go. The agony of this loss is still accompanying us and will never be forgotten. We will always be cherishing the memories of our lost hub, which has been the fundamental ground of all accomplishments made for the kids and families at the landfill. On the other side, it gave us the strength and experience to know, that nothing is ever being lost as long as we are willing to fight for it. Therefore, with your help, we want to build a new Youth Hub with far more opportunities for the children.
Thank you for your support and donations. You can find videos and pictures from this campaign on Facebook and Instagram under "The Kingdom of BGBJ".
You can donate through the button below or via the Gofundme campaign or Kitabisa campaign